Recovery Coaching at Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc.
Celebrates lived experience as a gift to individuals working on their recovery. Through this program, individuals meet with coaches who walk through their recovery process with them. Our recovery coach team works to build the presence of recovery including the community in awareness, advocacy, education, help, and hope.
And let me tell you, they are amazing.
Recovery Coaches are currently engaged with individuals who are in:
- Inpatient treatment setting heading into next transition
- Community Integration Residences
- Treatment Courts
- Family Courts
- Hospital Settings
- Individuals living independently
- Individuals connected to Family Support Navigation Services
- Individuals who have had emergency services due to opioids
- And more!
They are great visionaries developing and driving work in various programs:
H.O.P.E. - Healing Opportunites in Projects of Engagment
- Offers mutual aid groups by engaging individuals socially, with a recovery focus, in activities that strengthen the 4 pillars of recovery; home, health, community, purpose.
- This program was started to give individuals a way to connect, having something to do, and to learn about fun, purposeful activities they can do together. We know that sometimes learning about life there is to live with FUN can be a gateway to recovery.
- Examples include: art therapy, crock pot cooking, cell phone photography, making kitchen appointment organizers, holiday gifts for family
ROCovery Fitness
- This is a new addition to our programming, in the development phases with our first event started and underway!
- Based on the model fostered in Rochester. Our peers are working to create an organically grown group using fitness and active events to build social strength in community, fun, and even adventure.
- We know the neurotransmitter release impacted by addiction can be strengthened and enhance healing through physical activity, nature, and learning to laugh again.
- Examples include: volleyball, hiking, walking, park fun, gym time, preparing for community runs
- The goal is to implement peer services into the treatment court system by creating a change team of community agencies with the core drug treatment court, family treatment court, and mental health treatment court teams.
- Changes teams develop the protocols individualized to county needs across the state.
- Teams identify strategies for engaging participants with peer support throughout the treatment court stages and into the community walking alongside them.
- This project is built on a statewide team of incredible professionals thanks to a SAMHSA grant and supported by OASAS with our team lead.
- The team continues the work beyond the grant period.