CFLR H.O.P.E and Wellness Recovery Community
Easter Egg Spoon Planter
Thron Park 200 N Levitt St., Rome, NYThis creative Easter egg spoon planter is made by painting or using markers on plastic spoons. The plastic spoons resemble painted Easter eggs. We will use reused yogurt containers to make our planters and sharpen those up with paper or whatever we have in the CFLR paper bin.
Mason Jar Salt & Pepper Shakers
Salvation Army 14 Clinton Place, Utica, NY, United StatesJunk Journals
Thron Park 200 N Levitt St., Rome, NYOften filled with ephemera, pockets, envelopes, flip out pages, tags, and other embellishments to add to the detail of the work. A junk journal is a book or journal made up of scrap pieces of paper bound together. Beyond that there are many, many variations, and interpretations. In fact, some people don’t even use scrapContinue reading →
Hob Nob Splatter Paint Jeans (BYO Jeans)
Salvation Army 14 Clinton Place, Utica, NY, United States
Make Your Own Jewelry
Thron Park 200 N Levitt St., Rome, NYThere’s nothing better than being able to show off your DIY crafts. Making your own jewelry can be a great conversation starter and a great way to set you apart from the crowd. You get to make your jewelry 100% your own! Set yourself apart from the crowd and come make jewelry.
Recycled CD’s
Salvation Army 14 Clinton Place, Utica, NY, United StatesBoard Game Afternoon
Thron Park 200 N Levitt St., Rome, NYBucket Planters
Thron Park 200 N Levitt St., Rome, NYFor more information call 315-733-1709
Colorful Jute Coasters
Thron Park 200 N Levitt St., Rome, NYHobnail Milk Glass
Salvation Army 14 Clinton Place, Utica, NY, United StatesFor more information call 315-733-1709