
Check it Out!

Check it Out!

We made the Banner!

CFLR was awarded funding from the federal State Opioid Response Grant and administered by OASAS.  The Triple P program has been shown to reduce risky behaviors among youth, such as substance use and juvenile offending, as well as encourage positive social behavior and emotional wellbeing.  The program has also demonstrated success in reducing parental depression, stress, anxiety, and family conflict, and increasing positive family interactions.  Call CFLR’s Prevention Department to learn more.


Posted by Dominica Liscio in News

#VirtualHighFive – Prevention Week Addition

#VirtualHighFive – Prevention Week Addition

It’s National Prevention Week and CFLR’s Prevention Team wants to connect with the community.  The Virtual High Five was created to bring us together during this unprecedented time.  Get your families and/or pets involved in #VirtualHighFive!

Do the right thing and stop the spread!



Posted by Dominica Liscio in CFLR In Action, News

A Little Fun During Quarantine!

A Little Fun During Quarantine!

How talented are you?!  Center for Family Life and Recovery is giving three lucky winners a chance to win a $20 gift certificate to a local restaurant!

Posted by Dominica Liscio in News