HR EAP Resources

CFLR EAP offers unlimited supervisor/manager consultations from EAP Counselors experienced in employee performance management.  The purpose is to provide immediate expert consultation for supervisors/managers faced with any issues that have the potential to negatively impact the workplace.

Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Employee performance and productivity
  • Workplace violence and harassment
  • Drug-free workplace and substance abuse
  • Coping with change
  • Grief, trauma and/or loss at the work site
  • Diversity
  • Organizational restructuring
  • Making EAP referrals

Make a Supervisory Referral to EAP


EAP Awareness Materials for Employers

EAP Rack Card

EAP Pull-Tab Flyer

Please Note:

EAP attendance cannot be used as a condition of continued employment.  A referral to EAP, however, demonstrates that you have provided a reasonable accommodation to the employee to aid in addressing personal/work issues.  Employees do not have to use the EAP, but they do need to change performance behavior.  Therefore, if an employee refuses to use EAP, remind him/her that performance still needs to change and the EAP is one path to helping him/her change behavior.  An appropriate statement for referring an employee is, “I would like you to make an appointment with EAP” and then offer to assist in making the call from your office.  Always document that you made a supervisory referral.

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When There's Help There's Hope