Information About EAP

The EAP Role of Leadership Staff

Human resources, managers, supervisors, directors, captains, deputies, chiefs, EAP peer liaisons, presidents, vice presidents, COO’s, CEO’s, you name it!  You are All leaders!  You are tasked with being the heart beat monitors of the employee pulse, you have been chosen to lead your co-workers through many tough and great times throughout the work day.

Managerial staff are less likely to use EAP primarily due to the stigma of their leadership position and the feelings associated with mental health resources and weakness.  Knowing when to take a break, say no, and seek out help when you are mentally exhausted is one of the most powerful actions you can take.  It is a sign of strength to be able to reach out a hand despite feelings of pride, uncertainty, and societal pressures.  CFLR’s EAP program is dedicated to the needs of all employees and has a special understanding of the needs of leaders amongst them.

Our EAP offers assistance with many mental health concerns, but recognizes the special stresses exclusive to leadership staff.

Special Assistance for Leadership Staff:

• Counselors who are sensitive to the pressures and roles of leadership staff
• Specialized trainings that focus on some of the most stressful interactions with employee issues, such as suicidality and mental health first aid.
• Direct support from CFLR’s EAP account managers involving employee issues.
• Participation and support with your wellness initiatives.
• Exclusive supports for leadership professionals.

EAP Client Confidentiality

All information about EAP clients is strictly confidential, in accordance with state and federal mandates except in the following legally mandated circumstances:

  • Probable or imminent risk of suicide.
  • Probable or imminent risk of homicide or grave bodily harm to another person.
  • Possible abuse or neglect of a child or vulnerable adult.
  • Probable threat to national security.

All EAP staff are required to adhere to CFLR’s Confidentiality Policy; refer to CFLR’s Policy and Procedure Manual.  In addition, all EAP staff must abide by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

HIPAA law and the Notice of Privacy Practices: In accordance with HIPAA, all clients must be provided with the Notice of Privacy Practices information sheet.  This sheet describes EAP’s legal responsibilities with regard to a client’s health information and the client’s rights to his/her health information.  This sheet is given to the client at the time of his/her first appointment.  The client is encouraged to take the time to read this sheet and is then requested to sign Acknowledgement of Receipt of Notice of Privacy Practices.

Names and other identifying information about clients are not shared with anyone without prior written consent from the client in question.  Supervisory Referral clients may be known by the supervisor making the referral.  However, no information is released to the supervisor/employer other than compliance with EAP appointments unless a Release of Information is signed by the client upon the client’s instruction. Employers do not have access to client records.

The Release of Information is used to obtain the client’s signed consent to release or obtain information.  This exchange of information is most often used in relaying clinical information from EAP to a referral provider (such as a treatment agency).  This exchange is also used to relay follow-up information to/from the supervisor as it pertains to a supervisory referral.  Confidential information regarding clients may be received by fax via CFLR’s secure fax.  Likewise, EAP will only send confidential information by fax if the receiver has a secure fax.

Who Is Covered?

  • The employee.
  • Their spouse or significant other living in their household.
  • Other covered family members including immediate family living in their household.  This includes family members such as elderly parents that they may be a caretaker for.
  • Children under the age of 21.

How Can Employees Use EAP?

  • Self-Referral – When a covered employee or qualified family member calls the EAP at his/her will without involvement by his/her management and is seeking assistance.
  • Suggested Referral – Is the same a self- referral, only a third party who is concerned about a covered employee or qualified family member and the third party may informally suggest that the covered employee or qualified family member seek EAP services.  The covered employee or qualified family member may call the EAP to set up an appointment if they desire.
  • Supervisory Referral – This referral is always working performance based.  It is made by a Client Company supervisor regarding an employee’s declining work performance.

Crisis Management

Although EAP does not provide crisis management services, occasionally EAP receives calls from clients presenting with a need for immediate assistance.  Such types of calls may include clients and/or family members expressing a desire to harm self or others or are in an actual and immediately dangerous situation.  In these cases, EAP will assist the client in receiving the appropriate service(s).

When Is EAP Available?

  • Mondays 8:30am to 4:00pm.  Tuesday and Wednesdays, 8:30am to 8:00pm.  Thursdays 8:30am to 7:00pm.  Fridays 8:30am to 12:00pm.
  • Please call to make your appointment.
  • Additionally, CFLR, Inc. EAP has a 24 hour live answering service.


  • CFLR, Inc. EAP’s main office is located at: 502 Court Street, Suite 401, Utica NY.
  • Satellite locations:

-205 N. Washington Street, Herkimer, NY
-201 W. Dominick Street, Rome, NY

  • Employees who are in need of closer counseling locations to their living arrangements will be assessed and referred to one of our 50+ affiliates throughout the United States.
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