CFLR In Action

Red Ribbon Week!

This week is Red Ribbon Week, a national drug prevention and education event. The 2020 Theme is “Be Happy. Be Brave. Be Drug Free.” “This theme encourages children, families and communities to live healthy, happy and drug-free lives. It also serves as a reminder that we are all empowered with shaping the communities around us through positivity, bravery and strength.” The prevention department has been very busy in our local schools and in the community, preparing for Red Ribbon Week.  Here are some photos’ of bulletin board decorations in Adirondack and Camden schools; the students’ loved participating with this event and we look forward to doing other prevention campaigns in the future.

Posted by Dominica Liscio in CFLR In Action

Senior Take Back Days!

A big shout out to Kristina Lindberg for doing an awesome job working with the UPD to begin our Senior Kick Off of Take Back Days. Our Prevention Team will also be working with the UPD on 10-22 at Schulyer Commons 9-10:30 and Perritta Twin Tower of the Housing Authority 11-12:30. If you know anyone living in either of these sites please let them know about this so they can prepare to dispose.

Anyone can take part in National Take Back Day on Saturday, October 24th. Get rid of all expired and unused prescribed and OTC medications, including pet meds. This is proactive prevention at its finest by each and every one of us participating we decrease the likelihood of children and/or those struggling with substance use disorder to obtain these drugs. You do not have to wait until the National Take Back Day, we have many MedReturn Units in our county to drop off at any time.



Posted by Dominica Liscio in CFLR In Action

Light of Hope Virtual Event



Posted by Dominica Liscio in CFLR In Action

Let’s Talk About LOVE

During this time and anytime it is so important to spread love. When you feel you need some love. Please visit us at Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc. as we will be sharing this message of love regularly over the next few weeks. Take care of yourselves and one another. Love, Cassandra

“We were born with two ears and one mouth so we could listen more than we can speak” (Epictetus, Greek Philosopher). In the world of motivational interviewing, LOVE is an action word made up of four verbs: L to Listen, O to Offer, V to validate and E to empathize. Motivational Interviewing emphasizes the “spirit” of how we are with people, being able to empathize with them and walk side by side with them in their journey, and most importantly to LISTEN to them. If only we could take these action steps, walk side by side with others, and empathize with their situation, what a wonderful world this would be.

Posted by Dominica Liscio in CFLR In Action