Developing a Community Postvention Team: Essential Considerations for Planning and Preparation
This interactive workshop will provide participants guidance and direction on the crucial elements to consider for developing and sustaining a community postvention response team(s). Key learning and topics addressed during the workshop include; Process for developing a team Postvention/trauma response team elements Essential knowledge skills and characteristics of trauma response personnel Structure, activation andContinue reading →
Ethical Considerations for Recovery Coaches with Lila Boyer, MPA, CASAC-A, CRPA, CARC
Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc. 502 Court Street, Suite 401, Utica, NY, United States16 CEUs – 16 Contact Hours over 2 days February 18 and 19 - 8:30am-5pm Recovery coaching as a peer-to-peer recovery support services has grown exponentially over the past few years. The issue of ethical considerations has been discussed in many circles yet formal training has been lacking for recovery coaches. This 16 hour trainingContinue reading →
Developing a Community Postvention Team: Essential Considerations for Planning and Preparation
This interactive workshop will provide participants guidance and direction on the crucial elements to consider for developing and sustaining a community postvention response team(s). Key learning and topics addressed during the workshop include; Process for developing a team Postvention/trauma response team elements Essential knowledge skills and characteristics of trauma response personnel Structure, activation andContinue reading →
2019 Annual Awareness Breakfast
Hart's Hill Inn 135 Clinton Street, Whitesboro, NY, United StatesThe 2019 Annual Awareness Breakfast will be held on Tuesday, April 2 at 8:30am at Hart’s Hill Inn, Whitesboro. Tickets are available at $25 for individuals or $180 for a table of 8. To reserve your seat, please call 315.733.1709 or click the link below. You may also pay for the booth registration at thisContinue reading →
Grandparents Support Group – Parkway Center
50 Forward Mohawk Valley Parkway Center 220 Memorial Pkwy, Utica, NY, United StatesDrug Recognition and Trends – Presentation on Vaping and Concealing Secrets
Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc. 502 Court Street, Suite 401, Utica, NY, United States“Drug Recognition and Trends” Sgt. Robert C. Frankland, NYMPD “Presentation on Vaping and Concealing Secrets” Alisa Ferraro, Advocacy/Prevention Coordinator, CFLR COST: $65.00 Early Bird (Deadline Fri., August 9th): $50.00 Participants will learn: Sgt. Frankland will discuss recognizing a variety of substances and current trends. Alisa will discuss youth vaping concerns as well as offerContinue reading →