Tim’s Zoom Hope Events – Zen Art


Where we will do some fun events and also have some serious discussions about the stressors we are facing during our current crisis. Another fun activity that you can doContinue reading →

Stress Management


Please join CFLR’s Prevention Department to discuss ways to manage the stress in your life.  Prevention Specialist, Ruth Barnes will show you some techniques and provide tips for effective andContinue reading →





Active Parenting


Parenting may be challenging at times, but it can also be a rewarding time to grow together and develop a family bond.  This Parenting Program encourages positive interaction, enhances communication,Continue reading →

All About Vaping


Are you currently a parent or a caregiver of a middle school student? Join the Prevention Department to talk about the vaping epidemic and ways to resist peer pressure asContinue reading →

Active Grandparenting


Join Lauren Platt Prevention Specialist at CFLR on Tuesday June 30, 2020 at 11:30 am for a presentation regarding Active Grandparenting. More grandparents are finding themselves as the primary caregiversContinue reading →

Discussion with Tim


Anger Management Coping Tools.  What techniques can we use that will support and strengthen Recovery? https://zoom.us/j/96793247910


Acceptance Discussion


Join me as we use various tools and discussion topics related to acceptance in many different areas of our recovery and lives; strengthening our connection to home, health and purposeContinue reading →

Origami with Tim


Participants will create a crane out of a square piece of paper.  Reducing stress symptoms with distraction and creation skills. https://zoom.us/j/96793247910

Our Tim Foley Recovery Classic Golf Tournament will be held on Monday, September 23rd!CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW!
When There's Help There's Hope