H.O.P.E.: Family Feud Game Night
VirtualJoin us in our family game night!! We promote social interaction, and laughter while staying connected to our recovery community! https://zoom.us/j/710354969
Over-The-Counter and Prescription Abuse in Teens
VirtualPlease join CFLR’s Prevention Department to discuss Over The Counter and Prescription Drug Abuse in Teenagers. Prevention Specialist, Ruth Bar nes will discuss the rising trend and how to spot drug abuse in teens. https://zoom.us/j/93213765750?pwd=b1ZDcFdnQzdJSWRPbm1HU056SEhDUT09
Active Grandparenting
VirtualJoin Lauren Platt Prevention Specialist at CFLR for a presentation regarding Active Grandparenting. More grandparents are finding themselves as the primary caregivers for their grandchildren than ever before. Lauren will discuss statistics, as well as helpful tips and resources for grandparents who are raising their grandchildren today. https://zoom.us/j/94220249550?pwd=Z2kzY2tDNGFZWTk4WXc0M25YVkVFUT09
Family Support Group
VirtualJoin us in the FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP every Tuesday, from 6:15 to 7:30 PM to rekindle your HOPE, starting July 14, 2020. Join Zoom Meeting Info: https://zoom.us/j/93033194763?pwd=S3liTHpyYzV2dE1XTUtJMDBFay80Zz09 Meeting ID: 930 3319 4763 Password: 665098
Family Feud
Virtual Trivia! Promoting healthy fun and laughter! Game face! https://zoom.us/j/9942182675
Vaping: What Parents Should Know
VirtualJoin Senior Prevention Specialist, Cortney Kleek as she brings awareness to the vaping epidemic amongst teens. She will be giving parents’ tips on how to talk to their child about the dangers of vaping. https://zoom.us/j/9942182675
Stress Management
VirtualPlease join CFLR’s Prevention Department to discuss ways to manage the stress in your life. Prevention Specialist, Ruth Barnes will show you some techniques and provide tips for effective and efficient ways to manage the stress in your life. https://zoom.us/j/94788905798?pwd=N3lzOHFxMklIZW1CaGpCcHUzU2RXUT09
Elderly Depression
VirtualJoin Lauren Platt Prevention Specialist at CFLR for a presentation regarding Elderly Depression. Lauren will discuss the signs and symptoms, where to find help and other resources that are available in the community. https://zoom.us/j/95354543541?pwd=Q3FJNnFvaGg5UW92Tks3U1ZwM0JNdz09
ZenArt with Tim
VirtualParticipants will draw and create an abstract piece of art. Reducing stress symptoms with distraction and creation skills. https://zoom.us/j/96793247910
H.O.P.E.: Scattergories Game Night
VirtualJoin us in our family game night!! We promote social interaction, and laughter while staying connected to our recovery community! https://zoom.us/j/710354969