“Fun Friday: Lava Lamp!”


Join CFLR’s Prevention Department in collaboration with Compeer to make a ‘Lava Lamp’! What you’ll need: • Container • Vegetable Oil- ½ cup • Water- 3 Tbsp • Food Coloring • Alka Seltzer- 1 tablet (With the attached flyer) https://zoom.us/j/9942182675  

Zumba with Compeer


https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84090897008?pwd=U3RtTytEdTVwQTB4U21BaVM3SmFtZz09 Meeting ID: 840 9089 7008 Password: 5fQRif

The Importance of Good Mental Health


CFLR Prevention Specialist, Lauren Platt will discuss why it is important to stay mentally healthy along with tips and activities you can do to improve and maintain your mental health, including resources in our community that can help. https://zoom.us/j/93558902740?pwd=eGx5cGlLRG12L282Y2d5cmZ4REE2Zz09

Vaping: What Parents Should Know


Join Senior Prevention Specialist, Cortney Kleek as she brings awareness to the vaping epidemic amongst teens. She will be giving parents’ tips on how to talk to their child about the dangers of vaping. https://zoom.us/j/9942182675

All About Vaping


Are you currently a parent or a caregiver of a middle school student? Join the Prevention Department to talk about the vaping epidemic and ways to resist peer pressure as a teen. https://zoom.us/j/94108858908?pwd=NG8xT2lwNU03WkthUFFoeEc5aW5YQT09

Compeer Book Club



Go Noodle



Successful Co-Parenting


Join Prevention Specialist Lauren Platt as she discusses ways that you and your ex can become successful co-parents. She’ll talk about helpful tips such as communication, consistency, and why it’s so important to shield your children from parental conflict. https://zoom.us/j/98722209834?pwd=VmoxWW95QWNnQXI2bTJvRUNUT041UT09

Over The Counter and Prescription Abuse in Teens


Please join CFLR’s Prevention Department to discuss Over The Counter and Prescription Drug Abuse in Teenagers. Prevention Specialist, Ruth Bar nes will discuss the rising trend and how to spot drug abuse in teens. https://zoom.us/j/95317610920?pwd=M2NOZklNUUYvUEpRL0RmendJUUFndz09

Our Tim Foley Recovery Classic Golf Tournament will be held on Monday, September 23rd!CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW!
When There's Help There's Hope