H.O.P.E.: “You’ve Been Framed” – with Katie!


Join us in our virtual arts and crafts! Promoting healthy fun and positivity we will be painting our own picture frames! (RSVP’s will be necessary in order to receive your kits) https://zoom.us/j/96642216868?pwd=bXhSemczY25TcGkzbWVtVmM0TjNndz09

Brain Games – with Tim!


Everyone loves a good riddle. Apart from the enjoyment of the challenge, riddles puzzles, and word problems are an excellent and fun way to keep are brains sharp. https://zoom.us/j/99734805664?pwd=VXRBMnlDT2ZxQlhQSXBYQ3VONjVNdz09 Meeting ID: 997 3480 5664 Passcode: 359600


The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program – Dealing with Disobedience


*For caregivers of children/youth 0-12 years old* *Registration is required* *Groups will take place via Zoom* *Attendance in all 4 groups is required* *New dates posted every two months* *Oneida County Court Approved* For more information or to register, contact Lauren Platt at (315) 768-2653 or lplatt@cflrinc.org.


Active Parenting


This Parenting Program encourages positive interaction, enhances communication, and perfects behavior management skills to guide our children to survive and thrive.  If you’d like to learn more and be supported in your parenting efforts, join us! For more information or to register, contact Lauren Platt at (315) 768-2653 or lplatt@cflrinc.org.


Active Parenting


This Parenting Program encourages positive interaction, enhances communication, and perfects behavior management skills to guide our children to survive and thrive. If you’d like to learn more and be supported in your parenting efforts, join us! For more information or to register, contact Lauren Platt at (315) 768-2653 or lplatt@cflrinc.org. *Oneida County Court Approved* *NewContinue reading →


Active Parenting of Teens


This program provides parents with the skills needed to use effective discipline, teach responsibility, and communicate with their children. Each session shows parents how to handle sensitive issues such as drugs, sexuality, and violence. Call for the low price of materials *Oneida County Court Approved* *New dates posted every two months* For more information orContinue reading →

Stuff Happens – with Tim


You’re going to read really messed up stuff on these cards, and then rank them based on how bad they really are. Is a 3rd degree burn better or worse than dropping your phone in the toilet? Rank the cards and if the Misery Index agrees with you, you keep the card. Get 10 cardsContinue reading →

Accepting Nominations NOW for CFLR's 2025 Amethyst Award + Event Tickets On Sale NowNominate Now!
When There's Help There's Hope