Bury a Butterfly

Our Savior Lutheran Church 1640 Genesee St, Utica, NY, United States

With these biodegradable butterflies we will be writing a message of hope, to ourselves. Something we want to let go of, a short term goal to manifest, or just words of wisdom. After the group, we can bury our butterflies in our backyards and enjoy the spiritual transformation and growth!

Mandalas (Part 2)

Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc. 502 Court Street, Suite 401, Utica, NY, United States

Now that you have drawn your mandala, it’s time to add color to your design.

Free Virtual Narcan Training


Free Virtual Narcan Trainings For more information or to schedule a one on one appointment contact Heather at hyouda@cflrinc.org

Family Game Night

Our Savior Lutheran Church 1640 Genesee St, Utica, NY, United States

Join us in our family game night!! We promote social interaction, and laughter while staying connected to our recovery community


Active Parenting of Teens


This program provides parents with the skills needed to use effective discipline, teach responsibility, and communicate with their children. Each session shows parents how to handle sensitive issues such as drugs, sexuality, and violence. Call for the low price of materials *Oneida County Court Approved* *New dates posted every two months* For more information orContinue reading →

Stuff Happens

Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc. 502 Court Street, Suite 401, Utica, NY, United States

You’re going to read really messed up stuff on these cards, and then rank them based on how bad they really are. Is a 3rd degree burn better or worse then dropping your phone in the toilet? Rank the cards and if the Misery Index agrees with you, you keep the card. Get 10 cardsContinue reading →


Active Parenting


This Parenting Program encourages positive interaction, enhances communication, and perfects behavior management skills to guide our children to survive and thrive. If you’d like to learn more and be supported in your parenting efforts, join us! For more information or to register, contact Lauren Platt at (315) 768-2653 or lplatt@cflrinc.org. *Oneida County Court Approved* *NewContinue reading →

Bring Your Own Shirt Tie Dye

Our Savior Lutheran Church 1640 Genesee St, Utica, NY, United States

We will be making our very own tie dye shirts to match our peers for the community’s “Earth Day Project” on April 22nd.


Triple P: Positive Parenting Program

Our Savior Lutheran Church 1640 Genesee St, Utica, NY, United States

This is an evidence-based program to help moms address behaviors in their children that are between ages 0 & 12. Topics addressed will include: dealing with disobedience, managing fighting/aggression, developing good bedtime routines & more. You will be supplied with manuals, which are yours to keep.  

Earth Day Spring Makeover for Utica

Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc. 502 Court Street, Suite 401, Utica, NY, United States

Please join us in celebration of Earth Day this year by giving back to our Community! The day inspires to act towards the protection of the environment and focus on the need for conservation. Come show your support!! We will be making matching tie dye shirts on April 19th, the Monday before! And a pizzaContinue reading →

Accepting Nominations NOW for CFLR's 2025 Amethyst Award + Event Tickets On Sale NowNominate Now!
When There's Help There's Hope