Tim’s Zoom Hope Events – Hierarchy of Values


Where we will do some fun events and also have some serious discussions about the stressors we are facing during our current crisis. Group will be presented with moral dilemma situations in which there are no right or wrong answers but will get you to think about what your values are when making difficult decisions.Continue reading →


Daily Virtual Wellness Check-In Topic is Gratitude


Keeping the focus on the four pillars of recovery, home, health, community and purpose to promote the success of recovery. https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8529710233?pwd=aG1ITk45MFBpcXdMKzIwWlA3UjNpUT09 Meeting ID: 852 971 0233 Password: 643951


Daily Virtual Wellness Check-In Topic is Motivation


Keeping the focus on the four pillars of recovery, home, health, community and purpose to promote the success of recovery. https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8529710233?pwd=aG1ITk45MFBpcXdMKzIwWlA3UjNpUT09 Meeting ID: 852 971 0233 Password: 643951

Show and Tell



Over-The-Counter and Prescription Abuse in Teens


Please join CFLR’s Prevention Department to discuss Over The Counter and Prescription Drug Abuse in Teenagers. Prevention Specialist, Ruth Barnes will discuss the rising trend and how to spot drug abuse in teens. https://zoom.us/j/91464541786?pwd=VTY0bXI1UGh6N1pGZUNsZ2N3enQrQT09

The Importance of Good Mental Health


CFLR Prevention Specialist, Lauren Platt will discuss why it is important to stay mentally healthy along with tips and activities you can do to improve and maintain your mental health, including resources in our community that can help. https://zoom.us/j/93439347817?pwd=ZWI1b2g4cHVabVFhM0JXWGtVek1tQT09

Compeer Book Club



Our Tim Foley Recovery Classic Golf Tournament will be held on Monday, September 23rd!CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW!
When There's Help There's Hope