Compeer Coffee Club

Dunkin Donuts - Utica 31 Schuyler St, Utica, NY, United States

Please RSVP with Ashley if you plan on attending, 315-733-1709.

Compeer Bowling Night

Vista Lanes Bowling Center 550 Oriskany Blvd., Yorkville, NY, United States

Join us for an evening of bowling and pizza! RSVPs are required, so please call Ashley at 315-733-1709 by January 6th if you plan on attending!

Compeer Coffee Club

Dunkin Donuts - Rome 1155 Erie Blvd W., Rome, NY, United States

Please RSVP with Ashley if you plan on attending, 315-733-1709.

Compeer Craft Hour

Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc. 502 Court Street, Suite 401, Utica, NY, United States

Join us to create your own collage made with recycled magazine pieces! No experience required; all supplies provided. Please RSVP with Ashley if you plan on attending, 315-733-1709. Call to inquire how you can join us at home via Zoom!

Compeer Coffee Club

Dunkin Donuts - Utica 31 Schuyler St, Utica, NY, United States

Please RSVP with Ashley Neuschel if you plan on attending 315-733-1709

Tuesday at 12 – EAP orientation

February’s Tuesday at 12 will be  on February 14th over zoom – a drop in EAP orientation.  This is the perfect time to introduce your new employees to this added benefit of working for your company and what EAP can do for them and their families!


Compeer Coffee Club

Dunkin Donuts - Rome 1155 Erie Blvd W., Rome, NY, United States

Please RSVP with Ashley Neuschel if you plan on attending 315-733-1709

Compeer Coffee Club

Cafe Domenico 2011 Genesee Street, Uica, NY

Please RSVP with Ashley Neuschel if you plan on attending 315-733-1709

Winter Bash

Kennedy Arena 500 West Embargo Street, Rome, NY, United States
Tickets are on sale NOW for our 2025 Annual Awareness Breakfast.Purchase Tickets
When There's Help There's Hope