Discussion with Tim


Anger Management Coping Tools.  What techniques can we use that will support and strengthen Recovery? https://zoom.us/j/96793247910


Acceptance Discussion


Join me as we use various tools and discussion topics related to acceptance in many different areas of our recovery and lives; strengthening our connection to home, health and purpose in our recovery. https://zoom.us/j/97396721052?pwd=M0ZId09ZY3Y5d29Na2FSdklJOWptUT 09 Meeting ID: 973 9672 1052 Password: 092979

Origami with Tim


Participants will create a crane out of a square piece of paper.  Reducing stress symptoms with distraction and creation skills. https://zoom.us/j/96793247910


Self-Care and Wellness


Join me as we learn tools that focus on self-care with wellness discussion, teaching us to stay connected to our health, which is a crucial part of staying healthy in your recovery mind set as well as living a lifestyle of wellness. https://zoom.us/j/97396721052?pwd=M0ZId09ZY3Y5d29Na2FSdklJOWptUT 09 Meeting ID: 973 9672 1052 Password: 092979


Coffee and Conversation


Join me in our light hearted check-in! We will discuss tips and tools to maintain our healthy recovery wellness.  This helps promote a happy home, healthy lifestyle, stronger community connection as well as gives us purpose towards future goals! https://zoom.us/j/399459435

H.O.P.E.: “Famous Movie Quotes” Game Night


Join us in our family game night!!  We promote social interaction and laughter while staying connected to our recovery community! https://zoom.us/j/710354969


Gratitude Discussion


Join me as we use discussion tools to promote gratitude in our recovery by strengthening our awareness of the gifts that recovery has to offer. https://zoom.us/j/97396721052?pwd=M0ZId09ZY3Y5d29Na2FSdklJOWptUT 09 Meeting ID: 973 9672 1052 Password: 092979  

Icebreaker Challenge


The Recovery, Prevention and Compeer departments have joined forces to help us learn, grow, laugh and educate! Our community is getting stronger! https://zoom.us/j/9942182675

Decisional Balance with Tim


Focused discussion: Pro and Cons in decision-making using a moral dilemma.  Reducing stress symptoms with distraction and creation skills. https://zoom.us/j/96793247910

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day - October 26 10a-2pm
321 Main Street Utica
When There's Help There's Hope