10 events found.
Compeer Coffee Club – ROME
Dunkin Donuts - Rome 1155 Erie Blvd W., Rome, NY, United States*Please call Ashley if you have any questions: 315-733-1709*
Compeer Easter Basket Decorating
Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc. 502 Court Street, Suite 401, Utica, NY, United States*Please RSVP with Ashley if you plan on attending: 315-733-1709*
Compeer Coffee Club – ROME
Dunkin Donuts - Rome 1155 Erie Blvd W., Rome, NY, United States*Please RSVP with Ashley if you plan on attending: 315-733-1709*
Compeer Coffee Club – UTICA
Dunkin Donuts - Utica 31 Schuyler St, Utica, NY, United States*Please RSVP with Ashley if you plan on attending: 315-733-1709*
Compeer Coloring and Conversation
Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc. 502 Court Street, Suite 401, Utica, NY, United States*Please RSVP with Ashley if you plan on attending: 315-733-1709*
Compeer Coffee Club – UTICA
Dunkin Donuts - Utica 31 Schuyler St, Utica, NY, United States*Please RSVP with Ashley if you plan on attending: 315-733-1709*
True To You Pride Tie-Dye Party!
Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc. 502 Court Street, Suite 401, Utica, NY, United States*Please RSVP with Ashley if you plan on attending: 315-733-1709*
Compeer Coffee Club – ROME
Dunkin Donuts - Rome 1155 Erie Blvd W., Rome, NY, United States*Please RSVP with Ashley if you plan on attending: 315-733-1709*
Compeer Coffee Club – UTICA
Dunkin Donuts - Utica 31 Schuyler St, Utica, NY, United States*Please RSVP with Ashley if you plan on attending: 315-733-1709*
Compeer Ice Cream Party
Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc. 502 Court Street, Suite 401, Utica, NY, United States*Please RSVP with Ashley if you plan on attending/to ensure we have enough ice cream: 315-733-1709*