Cassandra Sheets

Local Organization To Focus on Prevention During Mental Health Awareness Month

Local Organization To Focus on Prevention During Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and the Center for Family Life and Recovery raised awareness of substance abuse and mental health issues thru a series of educational events the week of May 9th to May 15th during National Prevention Week.

During National Prevention Week (NPW), the Center for Family Life and Recovery focused on how schools, the community and families can all take an active role in helping to prevent substance abuse while also promoting positive mental health.

“Prevention specialists went into several schools daily to discuss health themes ranging from preventing opioid and prescription drug misuse, to suicide prevention,” said Cassandra Sheets, CEO of CFLR. “We also educated the community on Narcan training, as well as handing out educational flyers and sharing inspirational and motivational success stories through our social media channels.”

NPW is a national initiative, sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Center for Family Life and Recovery supports individuals and/or families struggling with addiction, mental health and behavioral issues by inspiring hope, providing help, promoting wellness and transforming lives. To learn more, visit or call (315) 733-1709.

Posted by Cassandra Sheets in Behavioral Health, CFLR In Action, News, Prevention, Recovery

CFLR Announces Take Back Day Drop Off

CFLR Announces Take Back Day Drop Off

April 24th is National Take Back Day.

CFLR will be partnering with Oneida County Opioid Task Force, Oneida County Sheriff Dept. and ACR Health to host a drug take back event at the Oneida County Train Station from 10am - 2pm on April 24th.  This drive-through event is CDC compliant with all COVID regulations. Participants are asked to stay in their vehicles and follow signs to drop off their meds and to wear masks at all times.  All participants will be given a Hope bag.

With opioid overdose deaths increasing during the pandemic, the Drug Enforcement Administration announces its 20th Take Back Day is scheduled for April 24th. At its last Take Back Day in October, DEA collected a record-high amount of expired, unwanted, and unused prescription medications, with the public turning in close to 500 tons of unwanted drugs. Over the 10-year span of Take Back Day, DEA has brought in more than 6,800 tons of prescription drugs. With studies indicating a majority of abused prescription drugs come from family and friends, including from home medicine cabinets, clearing out unused medicine is essential.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. has seen an increase in overdose deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic, with 83,544 Americans overdosing during the 12-month period ending July 1, 2020, the most ever recorded in a 12-month period. The increase in drug overdose deaths appeared to begin prior to the COVID-19 health emergency but accelerated significantly during the first months of the pandemic.

The public can drop off potentially dangerous prescription medications at collection sites which will adhere to local COVID-19 guidelines and regulations in order to maintain the safety of all participants and local law enforcement.

DEA and its partners will collect tablets, capsules, patches, and other solid forms of prescription drugs. Liquids (including intravenous solutions), syringes and other sharps, and illegal drugs will not be accepted. DEA will continue to accept vaping devices and cartridges at its drop off locations provided lithium batteries are removed.

Helping people dispose of potentially harmful prescription drugs is just one way DEA is working to reduce addiction and stem overdose deaths.

Learn more about the event at, or by calling 800-882-9539.

Some pics from the day!

Posted by Cassandra Sheets in CFLR In Action, News, Prevention

National Counseling Awareness Month – Teal Day

National Counseling Awareness Month – Teal Day

CFLR Celebrates Teal Day and National Counseling Awareness Month

American Counseling Association (ACA) designates April of each year as Counseling Awareness Month, a time of advocacy for the profession and celebration of the outstanding efforts of counselors in myriad settings as they seek to facilitate the growth and development of all people. To help raise awareness, CFLR will be participating in Teal Day on April 9th. Friday, April 9th is Teal Day; we encourage everyone to wear teal to support the nationwide effort to raise awareness of counselors and promote mental health during Counseling Awareness Month.

70-90% of people who seek treatment for mental health witness a significant reduction in symptoms, according to the ACA.

Counseling in the United States and the world is delivered via many human service settings and can be found in a variety of institutions. These professionals work with people across the life span, from childhood through the senior years. This year’s theme—The Future is… Self-Care, Advocacy and Inclusion #BurnBrightNotOut—is focused on some of the avenues that will help ensure a brighter future for counselors, their clients and the counseling profession.

Center for Family Life and Recovery offers help through the Employee Assistance Program (“EAP”).  EAP services help covered individuals and their families cope with the changes during this uncertain time, including pandemic fatigue. The EAP provides short-term assessment and referral counseling services. Primarily, counseling is provided virtually, but some limited in-person services are available, too. Besides counseling, the EAP team can help employers with training and education for their workforces. To see if you qualify for EAP counseling, or to learn more, please visit or call the Utica office at 315-733-1709 for more information

Posted by Cassandra Sheets in Behavioral Health, CFLR In Action, News

April Is Alcohol Awareness Month

April Is Alcohol Awareness Month

April is Alcohol Awareness Month. This is a national public health awareness campaign to increase education and understanding of the causes and dangers drinking and risks, treatment, and stigma that is associated with addiction. Alcohol is the most used substance by youth and adults in the U.S. and is the third leading cause of preventable death. Roughly 95,000 Americans die from alcohol-related causes each year. Some signs of alcohol abuse may be things like:

  • Experiencing temporary blackouts or short-term memory loss
  • Exhibiting signs of irritability and extreme mood swings
  • Using alcohol to “cope”
  • Choosing drinking over other responsibilities and obligations
  • Becoming isolated and distant from friends and family members
  • Change in hygiene

Alcohol abuse/addiction may impact an individual in many ways such as:

  • Difficulty in school or with an employer
  • legal problems/impaired driving
  • Increased risk of Physical and sexual violence, suicide and homicide.
  • Memory problems.
  • Misuse of other substances.
  • Changes in brain development that may have life-long effects.

The following are some questions to think about if one might think their alcohol consumption is becoming or is a problem:

  • Have you continued to drink even though it was making you feel depressed or anxious?
  • Are you drinking alcohol with prescribed or over the counter medications?
  • Have you lost interest in other activities and hobbies since you started drinking?
  • Have you experienced symptoms associated with an alcohol withdrawal?
  • Have you felt an urge or craving to consume alcohol?

Parents play a vital role in prevention of addiction by having the tools to understand the signs and symptoms of risky behaviors, knowing the trends that are out there, and knowing how to just have these kinds of conversations. Parents also are role modeling behaviors so ensure they are positive and healthy and that children are learning how to self-regulate and cope with life situations as well as encouraging them to know it is okay to ask for help.

If you need help, have questions, or need resources please call CFLR.  We want you to know you are NOT alone and we are here to support you and your family!

Posted by Cassandra Sheets in CFLR In Action, News

Self-Harm Awareness Month

Self-Harm Awareness Month

March is Self-Harm Awareness Month.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), people are more likely to hurt themselves on purpose as a teenager or during their young adult years, but “it can also happen later in life. Those at the most risk are people who have experienced trauma, neglect or abuse.” Individuals who do self-harm lack coping skills and need therapy from a doctor, preferably a psychiatrist to properly diagnose if there is an underlying mental illness. Some courses of treatment could be calling their doctor or a trusted friend, wrapping a blanket tightly around self, developing words of affirmation to replace negative thoughts/words from the past, getting out in nature, breathing, naming and using emotions, and many more therapy techniques.

Center for Family Life & Recovery in collaboration with community partners offers a variety of counseling services to youth and adults that can help individuals build their coping skills and fight self-harm.

Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc. is proud to be the area’s leading expert for prevention services, mental and behavioral health, and community and family recovery services. Together with our community partners, we continue spreading the message of help and hope to our area and those with whom we work.

Posted by Cassandra Sheets in CFLR In Action, News