Ambi Daniel


NYS Liquor Authority, Advocates and Industry Partners Join Together to Advance Alcohol Responsibility and Prevent Sales to Minors
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today launched the “No Excuses” campaign aimed at curbing underage drinking in New York. The statewide education campaign includes the distribution of more than 15,000 display materials, in Spanish and English, to restaurants and liquor stores across the state.

“Far too many times we’ve witnessed the dangers of underage drinking and the tragic and life-altering consequences that come with it,” Governor Cuomo said. “With prom and graduation season just around the corner, this campaign sends the message that this reckless behavior just isn’t worth it.”

The New York State Liquor Authority in conjunction with the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility kicked off the statewide campaign ahead of prom and graduation season and began the distribution of thousands of display materials to liquor licensees throughout New York. The groups are hosting launch events with spirits retailers in Albany, Buffalo, New York City and Rochester, with participation by local law enforcement officials, who are on the front lines in combating underage drinking.

Members from all levels of the spirits industry came together for the “No Excuses” effort. represents the country’s leading distillers, and wholesale partners include Southern Wine & Spirits and Empire Merchants. The following retail associations are also involved in the campaign:

  • The New York State Liquor Stores Association
  • Empire State Restaurant and Tavern Association
  • Metropolitan Package Store Association
  • Retailers Alliance

“Keeping alcohol out of the hands of underage youth is a top priority at the New York State Liquor Authority,” Vincent G. Bradley, Chairman of the New York State Liquor Authority said. “Therefore, we are committed to working on the front lines to ensure alcohol is sold and purchased responsibly by adults only.”

“One bad decision, like using a fake ID at a bar or getting behind the wheel of a car after a few drinks, can have lifelong consequences, which is why it’s important we continue to work together to raise awareness and keep alcohol out of the hands of young adults,” NYS DMV Executive Deputy Commissioner and Acting Chair of the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee Terri Egan said. “DMV and GTSC are proud to partner with SLA on the ‘No Excuses’ campaign, and in other events and joint investigations throughout the year, with the common goal of deterring underage drinking and keeping New Yorkers safe.”

“Seventy-five percent of high school seniors in New York State have used alcohol,” NYS OASAS Commissioner Arlene González-Sánchez said. “This underage use puts our young people at risk for addiction later on in life. Delaying alcohol use can help prevent substance abuse and addiction down the road.”

“New York youth under the legal age to purchase alcohol should be on notice that the SLA and the spirits industry are united in our commitment to fight underage drinking,” Ralph Blackman, president and CEO of said. “Year after year, family and friends continue to be a leading source of alcohol for today’s youth, so this campaign is a message to parents, too. Parents are the leading influence on their teen’s decision to drink – or not to drink – alcohol, and the ‘No Excuses’ campaign provides a great opportunity for parents to start the conversation with their teens and let them know that underage drinking is dangerous and will not be tolerated.”

The SLA has dramatically intensified enforcement actions to crack down on sales to minors in addition to providing education to licensees on their responsibilities. SLA prosecutions for underage sales are up 50 percent since 2010, while the number of licensees and their staff completing the Alcohol Training Awareness Program to prevent underage sales has increased by over 150 percent over the same time period.

The SLA and DMV are integral members of the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee, which funds initiatives to deter underage drinking and keep New York’s roadways safe. This includes Operation Prevent, which is aimed at reducing underage drinking and the use of fake IDs. During Operation Prevent sweeps, DMV investigators work year-round with local law enforcement and in targeted details with the SLA to check identification documents and keep underage patrons from obtaining alcohol at bars, drinking establishments, convenience stores, concerts, and events. Governor Cuomo announced in January that Operation Prevent efforts in 2015 resulted in nearly 760 arrests and the seizure of more than 750 fraudulent documents.

The GTSC also recently spearheaded the “No Empty Chair” teen driving safety education and enforcement campaign to raise awareness of the highway dangers associated with teen drinking.

The Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility is a national not-for-profit that leads the fight to eliminate drunk driving and underage drinking and is funded by the following distillers: Bacardi U.S.A., Inc.; Beam Suntory Inc.; Brown-Forman; Constellation Brands, Inc.; DIAGEO; Edrington; Hood River Distillers, Inc.; and Pernod Ricard USA. For 25 years, has transformed countless lives through programs that bring individuals, families and communities together to guide a lifetime of conversations around alcohol responsibility. To learn more, please visit:


Posted by Ambi Daniel

Excellus BlueCross BlueShield selects eight Central New York nonprofit organizations to receive Community Health Awards

UTICA, N.Y. — Eight nonprofit organizations in the Utica/Rome/North Country region have been chosen from among a total of 185 applications to receive Excellus BlueCross BlueShield’s 2016 Community Health Awards. Each award recipient will receive up to $4,000 of the $87,000 allocated by the company to help fund health and wellness programs in its 31-county upstate New York region.

Through a competitive application process, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield’s Community Health Awards support programs that have clear goals to improve the health or health care of a specific population.

Awards focus on improving the health status of the community, reducing the incidence of specific diseases, promoting health education and enhancing overall wellness and are made based on scope of need, goals of the program, number of people expected to benefit from the program and positive impact on the community’s health status.

The eight nonprofit organizations in Excellus BlueCross BlueShield’s 11-county Utica/Rome/North Country region that were selected to receive Community Health Awards are:

  • Abraham House, Utica, to recruit and train up to 60 volunteer caregivers, who will help provide 24-hour residential end-of-life hospice care in a home-like setting for the terminally ill free of charge for patients or families.
  • ACR Health, Utica, to make available nutrient-dense foods and literature on healthy eating through the organization’s peer-based outreach program to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases in targeted, high-risk neighborhoods in the Utica/Rome/North Country region.
  • Center for Family Life and Recovery, Utica, to fund the Healthy Heart Club for overweight school-aged youth in Oneida and Herkimer counties. Club participants will make a nine-month commitment to learn healthy living skills and track their weekly physical activity and healthy eating options.
  • Clear Path for Veterans, Chittenango, to offer Saturday Family Reset wellness programs that include holistic approaches to self-care and wellness and emphasize making healthy choices about food, exercise and relaxation. Goals are to help veterans and their families improve their quality of life and sense of well-being.
  • Insight House Chemical Dependency Services, Utica, to make yoga classes available on-site for Insight House clients. The goal is to promote and provide opportunities for patients to lead a healthy lifestyle, when they may have neglected their health due to alcohol or substance abuse.
  • Mohawk Valley Perinatal Network, Utica, for a Safe Sleep for Babies campaign to increase awareness regarding sudden infant death syndrome risk reduction and safe sleep environments. Funds will also be used to purchase portable cribs, crib sheets and Halo sleep sacks for 50 infants.
  • Multicultural Association of Medical Interpreters, Utica, for a series of three culturally modified health seminars for the refugee and Latino communities in Utica and Syracuse. The seminars will cover such topics as nutrition, lead poisoning, vaccinations, dental care, fire safety, stranger danger and CPR training.
  • The Parkway Center, Utica, to purchase exercise equipment and establish the organization’s Stay Young Strong Bones exercise program at five additional sites. Goals of the program are to increase strength, muscle mass and bone density while reducing the risk for chronic conditions.

“The company’s Community Health Awards demonstrate a corporate commitment to support local organizations that share our mission as a nonprofit health plan,” said Eve VandeWal, regional president, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield. “These awards complement our existing grants and sponsorships with agencies that work to enhance quality of life, including health status, in upstate New York.”

In the 80 years that Excellus BlueCross BlueShield has been serving residents of upstate New York, the company has supported hundreds of programs that are aimed at improving the health status of area residents.


Posted by Ambi Daniel

Addiction Community Resources Toolkit

Today, U.S. Representatives in districts nationwide released a comprehensive addiction resources toolkit to help the families impacted by the heroin and opioid epidemic across their states. The Addiction Policy Forum worked with leading national and community organizations to gather these resources.

“We want families impacted by addiction to know that help is out there. Until now, the best resources—from prevention and education to treatment and recovery—could be difficult to track down.”

– Jessica Nickel, Executive Director of Addiction Policy Forum
Community members can download a copy of the Addiction Community Resources Toolkit here and preview resources listed here.

We want to thank the leading national and community organizations that contributed to this comprehensive set of resources. They include: Community Anti-Drug Coalition of America, the National Council for Behavioral Health, National Association for Children of Alcoholics, the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, Shatterproof, Faces & Voices of Recovery, and the Legal Action Center.

Posted by Ambi Daniel

Join us for NCADD-RA’s Annual Luncheon 70th Anniversary Keynote Speakers: Dr. Charles Morgan and Robert Lindsey Wednesday, May 25, 2016 11:30am-2pm Double Tree by Hilton


New York State Residents Encouraged To Call Attorney General’s Health Care Helpline For Assistance Obtaining Treatment

Helpline Aims To Hold Health Insurers To Legal Obligation To Provide Necessary Medical Care

NEW YORK – Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today announced that his office is offering assistance for individuals and families seeking substance abuse and/or mental health treatment. New York’s mental health parity law, known as Timothy’s Law, was enacted in 2006 and requires that insurers provide broad based coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders at least equal to coverage provided for other health conditions. The New York Insurance Law also requires health plans to administer substance abuse treatment coverage consistent with the federal Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, which was enacted in 2008, and prohibits health plans from imposing greater financial requirements or treatment limitations on mental health or substance use disorder benefits than on medical or surgical benefits.

In order to help protect the rights of patients, Attorney General Schneiderman today issued an alert encouraging those seeking treatment or facing barriers with their health insurer to call his office’s Health Care Helpline at 1-800-428-9071.

“Under the parity laws, health insurers are required to handle claims for mental health and addiction treatment services the same as medical claims,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. “My office has taken an aggressive approach to enforcing these laws and will continue to take on those who ignore the law and, by doing so, reinforce the false and painful stigma often associated with substance abuse and mental health conditions.”

The alert from Attorney General Schneiderman aims to assist New York residents and their families who are struggling with substance abuse or mental health disorders. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the number of drug overdoses related to opioid abuses have increased dramatically over the past decade, including over 2,000 drug overdose deaths in New York in 2014. Today’s alert aims to assist residents with knowing their rights when accessing substance abuse treatment through their insurance provider, and encourages them to contact the Attorney General’s Health Care Helpline with any questions.

New York State law mandates group health insurance plans cover inpatient and outpatient mental health and substance use disorder treatment (including detoxification and rehabilitation services) subject to plan review of medical necessity. Plans must conduct medical necessity review and calculate co-payments and co-insurance for mental health and substance use disorder benefits in a manner consistent with medical/surgical benefits.

Over the past two years, the Attorney General’s Health Care Bureau has signed agreements with five major companies (Cigna, MVP, EmblemHealth, ValueOptions/Beacon, and Excellus), representing millions of members across New York State, after determining that these companies were not in compliance with federal and state mental health parity laws. The Attorney General’s investigation found that the companies were improperly denying patients who were seeking mental health and substance abuse treatment. The settlements required the companies to implement a host of reforms to comply with state and federal law, and gave members the opportunity to appeal medical necessity denials. The Attorney General’s office also recovered $2.9 million in penalties, and secured $1.6 million in consumer reimbursements for out-of-pocket treatment costs. Since the agreements were signed, ongoing monitoring has for most plans shown fewer barriers to treatment, including lower denial rates and more consumers accessing needed care.

In addition, the Helpline has addressed numerous complaints about health plan coverage of mental health care, and has succeeded in many cases with obtaining approval of medically necessary care, or reimbursement where the consumer has paid for mental health care out-of-pocket.

Any resident who is denied substance abuse treatment should:

  • Check the denial letter for accuracy and inform plan of mistakes.
  • Ask the health provider to submit a letter of medical necessity, including facts that show that you meet the relevant medical necessity criteria, point-by-point.
  • Request a written, detailed explanation of the denial from the health insurance company.
  • Look for common improper denial flags, such as “fail first” requirements, reduced payments for out-of-network providers, insufficient or incorrect information in denial letters, refusing to provide medical necessity criteria or using criteria that do not match the health condition, and failure to consult with the health provider or consider medical evidence supplied.

“If your health plan denies the treatment your provider recommends, remember, you have rights under New York State law,” said Avi Israel, President of the addiction recovery non-profit Save the Michaels of the World. “Your loved one shouldn’t have to ‘fail first’ and you have the right to appeal the plan’s denial. Don’t simply take no for an answer and walk away. Call Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s Health Care Helpline and ask for help.”

“The radical transformation of the health care system has rendered people sometimes confused by the laws designed to improve access and quality of care for the people it serves,” said Jeremy Klemanski, President & CEO, Syracuse Behavioral Healthcare. “The Attorney General’s Helpline is a tremendous resource to help any of us verify the correctness of how our insurance is, or is not working to provide the care we are paying our premiums for. The average person may not have an attorney on speed dial, but every New Yorker has the Attorney Generals legal team on speed dial by calling the Health Care Bureau Helpline.”

“NCADD-RA supports the NYS Attorney General’s health insurance know-your-rights alert and supports the full implementation of NY’s parity law (Timothy’s Law),” said Jennifer Faringer, Director, DePaul’s National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence – Rochester Area. “Until both substance use disorders and mental health disorders are regarded the same, viewed without stigma, and treated on par with coverage equal to that of any other disease, we will have not achieved true parity in NYS. We join the AG in encouraging individuals and their families to contact the AG Health Care Helpline with any questions.”

“Horizon is committed to providing necessary education and resources to our community on how best to navigate treatment services for patients and their families struggling with substance use and mental health disorders,” said Anne D. Constantino, President & CEO, Horizon Health Services. “We appreciate the efforts of the Attorney General’s office in bringing these issues to the attention of our community members, providing resources and assisting those members amongst this epidemic.”

“If our society is ever to stop the proliferation of opiate drug addiction, then it must make a commitment to treat the many addicts in dire need of help,” said John Socci, Board Member of HEAL of Cayuga County. “Our organization has seen many addicts denied treatment coverage and we believe under the law, health insurance companies have an obligation to provide such coverage.”

“We have an opportunity to save a life by providing treatment to those suffering with addiction,” said Monika Taylor, LCSW, CASAC Director at Crouse Hospital Chemical Dependency Treatment Services. “The helpline assists these individuals and their families navigate through the difficult process of getting treatment through their health insurance companies.”

“Drug Crisis in our Backyard is in full support of the Attorney General’s initiative to bring awareness of the mental health parity act,” said Susan Salomone, Executive Director of Drug Crisis in our Backyard. “Because of the stigma associated with this disease, those suffering do not know where to turn for help. The AG’s helpline is an important resource for people trying to access critical information regarding insurance coverage.”

“As we continue to address this unprecedented health crisis, removing barriers to addiction treatment is absolutely critical and for families that often means doing battle with both a relentless disease and with their insurance company,” said Jeffrey L. Reynolds, President & CEO, Family and Children’s Association. “We are fortunate to have an Attorney General in Eric Schneiderman who is working to remove barriers to care and continues to be a champion for New York’s families in need.”

“The Long Island Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (LICADD) commends Attorney General Schneiderman for his continued care and concern for New York families struggling with substance use disorders,” said Steven Chassman, Executive Director, The Long Island Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (LICADD). “In order to turn the corner on this devastating public health crisis that is taking the lives of too many New Yorkers, access to quality and affordable treatment is essential. It has been entirely too common and tragic that individuals are denied access to quality treatment based on cost saving models by insurance companies. As a result, the substance use crisis has only progressed to horrific levels of loss and destruction for thousands of New York families. An individual’s ability to access his/her insurance benefits and to be granted the opportunity to receive quality treatment, should be considered a basic right that should not be denied. LICADD offers gratitude and appreciation to Attorney General Schneiderman on behalf of the thousands of individuals we see each year who are denied access to quality treatment for substance use disorders.”

“We commend Attorney General Schneiderman for his tireless efforts in support and enforcement of Timothy’s Law (Mental Health Parity),” said Glenn Liebman, CEO of the Mental Health Association of NYS. “There has been a great deal of nationwide confusion about  the scope of mental health parity and the impact to families and individuals with mental health concerns. The Attorney General and his staff have contributed to helping to create an environment in New York that is pro-active and responsive to the needs of those impacted by mental illness. To that end, we strongly support the Attorney General’s  initiative to provide education and public awareness to the hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers who have a co-occurring mental illness and substance abuse issue.”

Consumers with questions or concerns about rights for those seeking drug abuse treatment or other health care matters may call the Attorney General’s Health Care Bureau Helpline at 1-800-428-9071.


Posted by Ambi Daniel


NYS Liquor Authority, Advocates and Industry Partners Join Together to Advance Alcohol Responsibility and Prevent Sales to Minors

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today launched the “No Excuses” campaign aimed at curbing underage drinking in New York. The statewide education campaign includes the distribution of more than 15,000 display materials, in Spanish and English, to restaurants and liquor stores across the state.

“Far too many times we’ve witnessed the dangers of underage drinking and the tragic and life-altering consequences that come with it,” Governor Cuomo said. “With prom and graduation season just around the corner, this campaign sends the message that this reckless behavior just isn’t worth it.”

The New York State Liquor Authority in conjunction with the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility kicked off the statewide campaign ahead of prom and graduation season and began the distribution of thousands of display materials to liquor licensees throughout New York. The groups are hosting launch events with spirits retailers in Albany, Buffalo, New York City and Rochester, with participation by local law enforcement officials, who are on the front lines in combating underage drinking.

Members from all levels of the spirits industry came together for the “No Excuses” effort. represents the country’s leading distillers, and wholesale partners include Southern Wine & Spirits and Empire Merchants. The following retail associations are also involved in the campaign:

  • The New York State Liquor Stores Association
  • Empire State Restaurant and Tavern Association
  • Metropolitan Package Store Association
  • Retailers Alliance

“Keeping alcohol out of the hands of underage youth is a top priority at the New York State Liquor Authority,” Vincent G. Bradley, Chairman of the New York State Liquor Authority said. “Therefore, we are committed to working on the front lines to ensure alcohol is sold and purchased responsibly by adults only.”

“One bad decision, like using a fake ID at a bar or getting behind the wheel of a car after a few drinks, can have lifelong consequences, which is why it’s important we continue to work together to raise awareness and keep alcohol out of the hands of young adults,” NYS DMV Executive Deputy Commissioner and Acting Chair of the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee Terri Egan said. “DMV and GTSC are proud to partner with SLA on the ‘No Excuses’ campaign, and in other events and joint investigations throughout the year, with the common goal of deterring underage drinking and keeping New Yorkers safe.”

“Seventy-five percent of high school seniors in New York State have used alcohol,” NYS OASAS Commissioner Arlene González-Sánchez said. “This underage use puts our young people at risk for addiction later on in life. Delaying alcohol use can help prevent substance abuse and addiction down the road.”

“New York youth under the legal age to purchase alcohol should be on notice that the SLA and the spirits industry are united in our commitment to fight underage drinking,” Ralph Blackman, president and CEO of said. “Year after year, family and friends continue to be a leading source of alcohol for today’s youth, so this campaign is a message to parents, too. Parents are the leading influence on their teen’s decision to drink – or not to drink – alcohol, and the ‘No Excuses’ campaign provides a great opportunity for parents to start the conversation with their teens and let them know that underage drinking is dangerous and will not be tolerated.”

The SLA has dramatically intensified enforcement actions to crack down on sales to minors in addition to providing education to licensees on their responsibilities. SLA prosecutions for underage sales are up 50 percent since 2010, while the number of licensees and their staff completing the Alcohol Training Awareness Program to prevent underage sales has increased by over 150 percent over the same time period.

The SLA and DMV are integral members of the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee, which funds initiatives to deter underage drinking and keep New York’s roadways safe. This includes Operation Prevent, which is aimed at reducing underage drinking and the use of fake IDs. During Operation Prevent sweeps, DMV investigators work year-round with local law enforcement and in targeted details with the SLA to check identification documents and keep underage patrons from obtaining alcohol at bars, drinking establishments, convenience stores, concerts, and events. Governor Cuomo announced in January that Operation Prevent efforts in 2015 resulted in nearly 760 arrests and the seizure of more than 750 fraudulent documents.

The GTSC also recently spearheaded the “No Empty Chair” teen driving safety education and enforcement campaign to raise awareness of the highway dangers associated with teen drinking.

The Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility is a national not-for-profit that leads the fight to eliminate drunk driving and underage drinking and is funded by the following distillers: Bacardi U.S.A., Inc.; Beam Suntory Inc.; Brown-Forman; Constellation Brands, Inc.; DIAGEO; Edrington; Hood River Distillers, Inc.; and Pernod Ricard USA. For 25 years, has transformed countless lives through programs that bring individuals, families and communities together to guide a lifetime of conversations around alcohol responsibility. To learn more, please visit:


Posted by Ambi Daniel