The Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc. (CFLR, Inc.) is an organization committed to providing resources and leadership to improve our communities understanding and awareness of mental and substance use disorders.
CFLR, Inc. is proud to be the area’s leading resource provider for advocacy, prevention, counseling, and training. Together, we are assisting those who need help, receive the best care possible.
As a community partner, it is important to us that we continue spreading the message of hope to our area; especially, to those who are suffering from alcohol and/or drug addiction, as well as mental illness.
When There's Help, There's Hope.
Strategic Plan
May 24, 2012
Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc.’s new 2012 – 2015 Strategic Plan was unanimously adopted and approved by CFLR, Inc.’s Board of Director’s, senior management team, and staff.
Anniversary of IMPACT
January 1, 2012
Marked the seventeenth anniversary of the IMPACT Program, which continues to grow in Herkimer County, New York.
Anniversary of EAP
January 1, 2012
Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc.’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP), formerly Mohawk Valley Consulting Associates, celebrated its eighteenth anniversary; having begun serving clients in 1994, under the umbrella of the Mohawk Valley Council on Alcoholism and Addictions (MVCA/A), in its current form.
Thanksgiving Dinners
November 14, 2011
For over twenty years, Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc. has partnered with BNY Mellon to supply Thanksgiving dinners to families in the Community, with low or no income; in 2011, over sixty families were served and the program continues to grow, annually.
Professional Training Coalition
October 3, 2011
The Oneida County Training and Education Workgroup merged with the Dual Recovery Training Coalition to form the Professional Training Coalition of Oneida County.
Grant Awarded
June 8, 2011
The Community Foundation of Herkimer and Oneida Counties, Inc. awarded Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc. a grant in the sum of $88,584; the largest in the agencies history. These funds were utilized to assist with physical needs, such as technological upgrades and marketing related to the agencies’ merger.
New Logo & Brand
April 5, 2011
The thirteenth annual April Awareness Breakfast was held at the Radisson Hotel-Utica Centre; during this event, Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc. unveiled its new logo and brand identity to the Community.
Merger Milestone
January 1, 2011
Family Services of the Mohawk Valley and the Mohawk Valley Council on Alcoholism and Addictions (MVCA/A) merged to form Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc.; hosted their first all staff meeting to celebrate the achievement of this milestone.
Youth Summit
September 24, 2010
The Mohawk Valley Council on Alcoholism and Addictions held a youth summit for teens on underage drinking at Harts Hill Inn, about 30 area youth attended this all day summit (topics included environmental prevention, youth action groups, GIS mapping and a presentation from the Drug Enforcement Administration).
Contract Awarded
July 1, 2010
The Mohawk Valley Council on Alcoholism and Addictions applied for and was awarded a five year contract with the Oneida-Herkimer-Madison BOCES Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative, in order to offer the Second Step Program to 11 component school districts.
Town Hall Meetings
May 4, 2010
In 2012, the Mohawk Valley Council on Alcoholism and Addictions (MVCA/A) held two community town hall meetings (April 27 and May 4) on underage drinking and social host legislation, including the following panel members: Chief Williams (Utica Police Department), Chief Masci (Little Falls Police Department), Melissa Clarke (BRiDGES), Samantha McCarthy (MVCA/A) and
Proposed Merger
February 1, 2010
A committee was formed to bridge discussions, in regards to the idea of a proposed merger between Family Services of the Mohawk Valley and the Mohawk Valley Council on Alcoholism and Addictions (MVCA/A); committee consisted of key stakeholders, Board Members from both organizations.
Second Step Program
January 10, 2010
The Mohawk Valley Council on Alcoholism and Addictions (MVCA/A) received funding from the Oneida County Youth Bureau & the Second Step Program and began conducting programming at Hugh R. Jones Elementary School in Utica, New York.
Social Host Law Proposed
November 9, 2009
The Mohawk Valley Council on Alcoholism and Addictions (MVCA/A) began working with the City of Utica’s Common Council on a proposed Social Host Law for underage drinking in the City of Utica; proposal was submitted in October 2010.
Classic Golf Tournament
September 20, 2009
The first Recovery Classic Golf Tournament was held at Woodgate Pines Golf Club in Boonville, New York.
09-17-2006 - The Mohawk Valley Council on Alcoholism and Addictions (MVCA/A) relocated to 502 Court Street, Utica, New York; now, the current site of the corporate headquarters for Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc.
EAP Expands
01-10-2005 - Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc.’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP), formerly Mohawk Valley Consulting Associates, began expansion initiatives; whereby additional counseling staff members were hired, the program’s model was restructured to accommodate/focus upon business related needs, additional marketing was conducted to companies and businesses – in order to grow the program – and offer trainings, and the number of clients being served, outside of a 50+ mile radius of Utica, New York, was expanded.