March is Self-Harm Awareness Month.
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), people are more likely to hurt themselves on purpose as a teenager or during their young adult years, but “it can also happen later in life. Those at the most risk are people who have experienced trauma, neglect or abuse.” Individuals who do self-harm lack coping skills and need therapy from a doctor, preferably a psychiatrist to properly diagnose if there is an underlying mental illness. Some courses of treatment could be calling their doctor or a trusted friend, wrapping a blanket tightly around self, developing words of affirmation to replace negative thoughts/words from the past, getting out in nature, breathing, naming and using emotions, and many more therapy techniques.
Center for Family Life & Recovery in collaboration with community partners offers a variety of counseling services to youth and adults that can help individuals build their coping skills and fight self-harm.
Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc. is proud to be the area’s leading expert for prevention services, mental and behavioral health, and community and family recovery services. Together with our community partners, we continue spreading the message of help and hope to our area and those with whom we work.